Why SME Company like us need ESG?

In the past, sustainability may primarily have been look upon to, as a way, manage reputational risk. But in recent years, these objectives have become inadequate and somewhat outdated. The expectation to conduct business sustainably by integrating ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) objectives into the business model has, more or less, become mainstream and is considered a hygiene factor for modern companies. We strive to be the trusted and preferred partner in the transition to sustainable finance and are committed to bringing to the market an array of best in-class workflow solutions, which allow customers to use our data as the backbone of their investment processes.

The objectives of the policy:

To promote the standards to ensure transparent well-regulated and effective management of the company overall. Also, to enable effective mobilisation of domestic and foreign resources for investment of acquiring customers’ as whole in the social world of hospitality, beauty, and wellness.

Incorporating ESG practices into our business operations and decisions assist us in greening the operations and preventing tangible losses and intangible risks. ESG also benefit us to create competitive advantages through differentiation of products / services and brand.

Our shareholders, customers and partners are our greatest asset and most integral entities that drives our company to meet our Vision / Wawasan 2050. With embedded ESG enable and make us be responsible towards these party of entities that create the backbone of DELPHIN and our value that always never been neglected in any circumstances.


The initiatives undertaken under this pillar are strategically designed to minimise our carbon footprint.

  1. Promote efficient energy usage: Implement energy conservation measures. Switch to energy efficient LED light.
  2. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions: Encourage car-pooling in scenarios whereby for attend external meeting and company visits.
  3. Efficient usage of natural resources: Encourage re-cycling of papers. Promote usage of eco-friendly products. All our products are not animal tested and does not contain harmful chemicals that dangers human life and the environment. Wastage will be effectively managed through proper chemical cleaning filter and by appointing agents to uphold properly any wastage derives from our factory output.
  4. In relations to the pandemic COVID 19 (year 2019), actively follow the rules and regulations set by government and sanitize the whole area of productions twice daily.
  5. Regards to the pandemic, actively create awareness amongst the people in the company to actively be responsible towards social gathering and personal hygiene.


Human Capital

We have implemented various polices and initiatives to ensure the well-being of its most valuable asset: THE people.

  1. Recruit a diverse workforce which reflects Malaysia’s diversified culture.
  2. Actively advocate gender equality via the promotion of female to indicate and support women empowerment.
  3. Closely monitor the gender composition of this workforce.
  4. Remuneration package not only fulfils Government’s minimum wage and employee acts requirement but it is benchmarked against the industry standard.


This standard’s efforts and initiatives is to achieve high standards of corporate governance towards its business partners and the overall industry market.

  1. In line with best practices, has established the GMP committee, Halal Committee and Covid 19 Committee with regular engagements with its standards derived from governmental or non-governmental.
  2. DELPHIN engagement approach to attend all company’s AGMs and EGMs.
  3. Strictly adhere to rules and regulations pertaining to government requirements.

Ethical Practice

We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct across the organisation. This include ensuring honesty, integrity, accountability in its business and operation.

  1. In support of the highest standards of ethical, integrity and professionalism behaviour within DELPHIN, it adopted a No Gifts Policy which shall govern and guide its employees in their dealings with external parties.
  2. Strongly reject and discourage of giving and taking bribes as part of overcoming obstacles and easy method o meeting objectives. Anyone relates with the company for finding such act will be reporting to the relevant authorities.
  3. Will take appropriate measure before entering a new business relationship with any third parties.
  4. Take cognisance in the importance of adopting a governance process for its procurement to ensure its interests are always protected.


Whilst we strive to generate good returns on operating income, it is mindful on the need to also ensure that it creates a positive impact on employees and community at large.

  1. Initiatives aimed at contributing towards the well-being of its community. Actively commit in donations to charity of old folks’ home and orphanage.
  2. Support campaign to recycle and donations for products that over-run.
  3. Actively create Housewife working opportunity as support for B40 community by generation extra income for the household. (IKAS Campaign)